CRASH CAGE is one of the chosen projects of the One Health Funds 2020. It is led by CIHLMU Alumni: Francesco Nicoli (PI), Deepak Paudel and MarÃa Teresa Solis-Soto, in collaboration with CIHLMU partner institutions.
The epidemiology of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have revealed a dramatic mortality rate in older age groups. The CRASH CAGE project wants to explore social, epidemiological and biological causes of differences in COVID-19 mortality rates across countries and age groups, convinced that findings may be relevant also for future emerging infections and other zoonosis.
Within this project, we aim at:
- understanding social and demographic factors associated with high COVID-19 mortality
- identifying the biological reasons for poor immunological control of SARS-CoV-2 infection in old and frail subjects
Furthermore, we propose to exploit the scientific knowledge for the development of effective communication strategies aimed at improving the compliance to preventive measures, especially in older citizens.
For more information please see the CRASH CAGE Article "Old and new coronaviruses in the elderly" or the Paper "Impaired Priming of SARS-CoV-2-Specific Naive CD8+ T Cells in Older Subjects".
CRASH CAGE Communication Materials
We believe that elderly and frail subjects constitute a population that should be proactively targeted in preventive strategies against different waves of COVID-19 but also against future health emergencies. The communication material generated through this project is therefore usable for free by everyone.:
The CRASH CAGE communication materials are available here:
Videos on COVID-19 Vaccines:
Graphics Universidad de O'Higgins (Spanish)
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Graphics Universidad Mayor Real y Pontificia de San Francisco Xavier (Spanish)
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Graphics only with CIH-Logo (Spanish)
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Graphics Universitá degli Studi di Ferrara (Italian)
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Graphics in Nepali
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Graphics in English
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