LMU Klinikum
Center for International Health CIHLMU
CIHLMU is a center at LMU Klinikum

One Health Knowledge-Café - Webinar Series #2

28 Aug 2020

The "One Health Knowledge Café" is one of the chosen projects of the One Health Funds 2020. It is a collaborative effort of more than 11 individuals representing the partners and alumni of the Center for International Health ( CIHLMU ) from Asia, Africa, Europe, South America and North America. The project aims to enhance the academic network of CIHLMU experts, partners, alumni and students by organizing monthly virtual webinars, sharing sessions and offering an online course.

The COVID-19 pandemic affected all countries worldwide, limiting people's ability to travel and meet face to face. Hence, the importance of virtual learning and networking increased enormously.

After the successful completion of the first webinar, the One Health Knowledge Café Team organized the second webinar on "COVID-19 Situation, Responses and Lessons Learned" on 28 August 2020. Four country speakers from Afghanistan, Bhutan, Guatemala and Italy shared their country specific experiences on COVID-19.

The webinar achieved its objective to:

  • Share the current situation of COVID-19, country response and lessons learned
  • Review and discuss key lessons learned for the global health community
  • Establish a better network to promote learning and collaboration among CIHLMU partners, alumni and beyond

More than 70 participants from 20 countries worldwide joined the webinar. The webinar lasted for more than 1,5 hours. It was a great success!

The complete session is also available on Youtube.

If you want to learn more about this webinar, please find more details in the PowerPoint Presentation.