LMU Klinikum
Center for International Health CIHLMU
CIHLMU is a center at LMU Klinikum

P.a.N.i.E - Professionalization and Networking in Ethiopia

The Bavarian State Chancellery is funding an LMU project in Ethiopia as part of the Bavarian Africa Package.

CIHLMU most important achievement for Ethiopia has been the successful establishment of three new degree programs: the Master of Health Professional Education (MHPE) program, the Master of Science in Integrated Clinical and Community Mental Health (MICCMH) program at Jimma University and the PhD International Health - Medical Research program at LMU.

The target group of the new P.a.N.i.E (Professionalization and Networking in Ethiopia) project are graduates of CIHLMU in Ethiopia from these three study programs.

The project idea is to create structures for professionalization and networking of the target group.

Hereby the following effects are aimed at:

  • strengthening the Ethiopian health system via education and training - particularly in the area of mental health
  • strengthening the Ethiopian health system through education and training of experts in health professions (medical didactics)
  • networking of science and economy through research funding

This is to be achieved through the following activities:

  • strengthening of competences of the target group
  • development of professional networks with alumni in Ethiopia
  • implementation of research projects of the target group